Stories and Pictures

By: Mang Sian & Aileen Tuang
     We know that in all things God works for good with those who love him, those whom he has called according to his purpose.   Rom 8:28 
                It’s a stormy Sabbath morning. We got up earlier to prepare for our worship service. It rained so hard so we were not expecting any member to come. It was actually dangerous to walk. But at 9:30 in the morning, five church members came so we started our worship. We finished at 12 noon and decided not to have our A.Y. program for their safety. Around 3 o’clock, one of our Bible interests came to the church. She thought that we were having our AY program. I told her the reason why it was cancelled.  We asked her to stay anyway and to sleep over. It was a good time for us to talk since she had some complicated problems.
             That night we had our evening worship and Bible study. She asked a lot of questions.  She also expressed her gratitude that we are teaching her about the Word of God together with her friends. She said that when she started our Bible study, she’s no longer behind in their Values Education subject every Friday. Before she doesn’t know even one story in the Bible. But now she joyfully shares and explains it to others. “You know Ma’am Aileen, I am now familiar with the Bible characters in the Old Testament,” Jamie said. Jamie’s teacher was impressed when she shared in the class the step by step creation in Genesis 1. The funny thing was, her teacher already said that the first creation of God was Adam and Eve.  Since she knew the truth, she raised her hand and explained the creation story both to her teacher and classmates. We enjoyed sharing God’s words that evening. God made me realized that storm could also be a blessing for those who have faith in God.
                     Our friends and co-laborers in Christ vineyard, please remember us in your prayers. Please pray for the students too. May the truths that were sown to them will continue to grow and will bear fruits.


By: Aileen Tuang


During our prayer meeting, ate Glory asked us to pray for her sister who just had a ceesarian section delivery. We prayed to God to give her strength for her recovery. After the prayer meeting the Lord impressed me to visit her and pray for Ate Ruby. The next morning we prepared everything to go to the hospital. We walked for two hours because they do not have jeepney going there. The doctor found an ovarian cyst. She was advised to undergo an operation to remove the cyst and the ovary. After a few weeks the doctor told her that she can go home with her baby.

Everything seems to be alright but after many days Ate Ruby started to feel pain on the lower part of her stomach. As days went by, the pain was unbearable so she was brought to the hospital. Her doctor told her her appendix was infected and they need to remove it. The operation costs P 40,000. She was worried, they do not have such money. She was really weak and dehydrated, her skin started to become pale and then yellowish.

I wanted to help her but I have no money, I can only offer a sincere prayer. I prayed to God to give her strength for her operation and recovery. I also prayed for God to provide financial assistance so that they can start the operation. While I am praying, I felt the presence of the Lord. I change my prayer, I began to thank Him for answering our prayer by providing the money and claiming that He can do the miracle for her. After I prayed I encouraged her to believe that God already provided our request & that God would heal her.

It started to be late so we went home, while we’re walking with ate Glory, she remembered one lady that is able to help them financially. When we arrived home, she went to that lady’s house and truly that lady helped her and gave her the money.

The next morning they transferred her sister to a bigger hospital to do the operation. When they arrived on that hospital, the doctor in charge read the endorsement and checked her again. The doctor cannot believe what he found out, Ate Ruby was okay! He checked her again but her appendix is healthy! The doctor who still cannot believe the result told them to go home and rest.
In Matthew 21:22 Jesus said “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Prayer will not be powerful if we don’t believe and claim that God can answer us.

David’s Way of Sharing Jesus Love
By: Aileen Tuang 

It is a big challenge for us to be here. Most of the people think that if we make friends or visited them we will immediately give Bible Study. We think of some ways to introduced ourselves in a way that they will accept us as their friend. We still do visitation but we change our approach. It is not bad to say that we are using my 2 years old son to win their trust and friendship.
My son, David, is just a friendly boy. When we pass into a house or when he saw someone, he will immediately smile and greet, “Hi, good monin” that is how he pronounced “good morning”, after that he will asked “aw ay yu” (how are you) or sometimes when we are in a hurry he will just say “bye fend, see you aden” (bye friend, see you again). People started to like us as they like my son. They invited us to enter into their house and even eat with them, while my son played with the other kids that is my time to talk to a mother sharing recipes or some “motherly conversation”. And when its time for us to go we make sure that we prayed together with them. Everyday as we go out, he's really doing this.

There was an old lady named Manang Luning, she stayed in a big house down the church. Every time we pass by, David make sure that he greeted his “Lola Luning”. As soon as he saw her he will immediately run towards her and say, “bye Lola see you aden”
From that time Manang Luning waited for us every time we go down. And one Sabbath morning we were surprised to saw her attended our Church service. We were so happy. When my son saw her, he was so excited and immediately run towards her shake her hands and greeted “Happy Sabbath Lola”. He invited his friends and show them his Bible- full of pictures. He always love to share the pictures of Creation and Noah’s ark specially the rainbow. The funny thing is they are talking with different dialect but they can understand each other.
I can see that God slowly answering our prayers on how to win the people here through my son. We already have some potential families that are open for Bible sharing, but we are still praying for them. Please pray for them too. Like this little missionary, my son david, YOU too may share God's love in your own little way to hasten our Lord's coming!