Tuesday, June 14, 2011

After the Salegseg was established as a church last 2001, the converts showed spiritual growth and became more active. Two of them, Myrna and Jovy Agnas joined PFM as missionaries. Former missionaries assigned there, said in 2005 that the Salegseg church could stand on its own. First, the converts had the ability to lead the church. Second, Mountain Provinces Mission (MPM) recognizes Salegseg Church as one of their churches. From 2006-2009 PFM did not send any missionaries to this place. But the converts were not ready to be left on their own just yet. Their growth deteriorated. When PFM saw what was happening, the decision was made to send another team to finish the work PFM started. It was a challenge since there are no available missionaries with pastoral background and skills who are applying. Finally, in January 2010, the Tuang’s Family was sent to the place. Tuang’s family visited the converts. They conducted prayer meetings in their houses. They organized regular “bayanihan” to repair the church building and to clean the vicinity. Aileen was invited to teach in the Day Care Center three times a week. This is a part of their friendship evangelism. The church organized regular visits to the hospital. Together with the converts they conducted Revival Meetings, Revelation seminar and participated in the district fellowship in Kalinga area. They also conducted several health seminars. After several moths of activities for the church, they decided to have a communion service. This was the church first communion after three years. The church is starting to feel alive again. May this continue to do so even after the missionaries are gone.

 Brother Tuang giving Bible study to the youth

 Aileen is teaching the Day care students

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